Examining the Employment Experiences of Disabled/Neurodiverse Library Professionals and Developing a Practice Model for an Equitable Workplace Transition Program (Poster 46)
Although libraries have come a long way in developing inclusive services for disabled and neurodiverse patrons, employment rates of disabled and neurodiverse LIS professionals remain woefully low. The IMLS-funded research led by Dr. K. Dali (U of Denver - DU) and K.M. Thompson (U of South Carolina – USC), and done in collaboration with CU Boulder and USC Libraries, examines the feasibility of an equitable workplace transition program for disabled and neurodiverse MLIS graduates [LG-252342-OLS-22] through a four-phase pilot case study. The poster will summarize the study goals and design, which includes two qualitative surveys of academic library staff and managers; interviews with disabled and neurodiverse LIS graduates; and workplace policy analysis. This will be accompanied by preliminary findings and ways that the study's intended outcomes will contribute to policy change and the creation of a more equitable work environment.
More information about the project is available at https://du.digication.com/equitable-workplace-disability-neurodiversity/home.