Head of Public Libraries & Community Engagment The British Library
LibraryOn is a project funded by Arts Council England and led by the British Library to develop a new "shop window" for English Public libraries. Our goal is to increase the number of people who use libraries, both in person and online.
This project has been led by the British Library, working in consultation with Arts Council England as well as libraries and library bodies across the UK. To create LibraryOn we have developed a new in-house multidisciplinary team with digital expertise. We are building the platform in an agile and iterative way. That means we define small pieces of work to deliver and test with existing and lapsed library users, non-users and people working in the library sector. Then we refine our work based on feedback.
The wider programme contributes towards broader digital transformation through local and national approaches.
Our poster would showcase the LibraryOn brand (developed by FCB Inferno following extensive user research) and would use a map to show the areas taking part in the beta version. Text boxes would show user research findings for localities and a QR code would enable conference attendees to visit the site and sign up for further updates/webinars.