Director, Technical Services Queens Public Library
The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA), officially established in 1973, is committed to establishing closer relationships and collaborations with national and international library organizations such as ALA, IFLA and the Library Society of China, to advocate equity, diversity, inclusion, social justice, and open access. CALA promotes and supports international library related activities and programs in accordance with CALA’s strategic plan. In support of the CALA’s global mission, before and during COVID-19 pandemic, CALA members have strived to engage in global library projects and collaborations including; Think Globally Act Globally, a U.S.-China Librarian Collaboration Project, CALA 21st Century Librarian Seminar Series (2006 to present), CALA academic sessions presented at Chinese Library Annual Conferences (2013 to present), participation in Shanghai International Library Forums (2002 to present), and serving as chairs and members of IFLA divisions and section standing committees and leadership positions of ALA. The current global crisis has highlighted more than ever the importance of our role in promoting international library collaborations for a sustainable future. The Chair of the International Relations Committee and CALA Representative to the Library Society of China organized and chaired five CALA academic sessions at the Chinese Library Annual Conferences and Exhibitions held in various cities in China from 2013 to 2018. This poster session with text and pictures will contribute to CALA’s 50th Anniversary celebration and showcase CALA members global library engagement and scholarly achievements.